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Permanent Cure For Hepatitis - Call 08069957445

Added via web on Sep 4, 2021


Permanent Cure for Hepatitis - Norland Healthway Herbal Capsules

HEALTHWAY HERBAL CAPSULES is formally called Hypoglycemic herbal capsules. It is one of the many Norlands products.

- It is made up of herbs Extracts that prevent liver damage.
- It strengthens the liver to detox the body.
- It aids the pancreas of the liver for better metabolism.
- It Prevents all metabolic diseases.
- Cures any type of hepatitis (A, B, C, D and E)
- Reverses the effects of hepatitis in that body
- Cures chronic hepatitis
- Cures fatty liver
- Restores the liver back to its normal healthy condition
- Clears out all signs and symptoms the patient might have been observing
- Averts any chance of liver cancer
- Averts cirrhosis and reverts its effects
- It also cures ulcer and helps blood pressure

Price - N10,000

Call or Whatsapp - 08069957445

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