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Ajunolive P-14 High Bp Formula With Ashwagandha DS

Added via web on Oct 17, 2021


Ajunolive P-14(hbp Formula) + Ashwagandha DS

Price - N39,500

Ajunolive P-14, HBP Formula
ingredients: Olive leaf, Arjuna, Hibiscus etc
Olive leaf:
- reduces cardiovascular risk
- lowers blood pressure
- supports weight loss
- eliminates free radicals
Olive leaf may help lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure. A 2017 study found that olive leaf extract successfully lowered blood pressure. A lower blood pressure can

reduce your risk of stroke and heart attack.
- Packed With Antioxidants.
- Help Lower Blood Pressure.
- Help Lower Blood Fat Levels.
Arjuna by far seems to be the best plant for heart health.
Arjuna is a “Herbal Hero for your Heart”. Supported by thousands of years of traditional use, primarily for cardiovascular health, Today, many cardiologists are even

incorporating Arjuna into their protocols.
In Ayruveda, is used as a lymph tonic for the heart. Arjuna works specifically to keep the lymph moving and draining around the heart which encourages healthy arterial

blood flow and healthy muscular contractions.

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