Ajunaplus Blood Pressure Support And Ashwagandha DS
Added via web on Nov 18, 2021
Price - N39,500
Ajunaplus (hbp support)
- cardiac wellness
- regulates blood circulation
active ingredients:
- hawthorn extract (leaf and flower)
- green tea leaf
- arjuna.
Hawthorn benefits:
- loaded with antioxidants.
- hawthorn berry is a rich source powerful antioxidant compounds found in plants.
- may have anti-inflammatory properties.
- may lower blood pressure.
- may decrease blood fats.
- may reduce anxiety.
- used to treat heart failure.
Green tea leaf:
stabilizes cholesterol levels.
This ancient drink can help rid the body of bad cholesterol while maintaining the amount of good cholesterol.
Arjuna benefits:
- fights damage from free radicals.
- protects the heart
- fights lipid disorders
- tackles high blood pressure.
- boosts energy and exercise performance
- counters damage caused by smoking
- arjuna can also help fight gastric ulcers.
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