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Prostopan Reboot PLUS Ashwagandha DS For PROSTATE WELLNESS - Call 08060812655

Added via web on Jan 23, 2022


Prostopan Reboot PLUS Ashwagandha DS for POSTRATE WELLNESS

PRICE - N34,500

What is nettle root extract good for?
today, many people use it to treat urinary problems during the early stages of an enlarged prostate.
nettle root extract contains compounds that bind to sex hormone binding globulin,
leading to increased levels of free testosterone for improved sexual health, performance, and easier muscle building.

A proprietary blend is a group of ingredients that may disclose every ingredient, but not the exact amount.
They make their appearance on product labels, often with trademarked names like “detox blend” or “greens blend.”

Pumpkin seed oil is said to help promote urinary health and heart health. it's full of vitamins and anti-inflammatory agencies.
is pumpkin seed oil good for the prostate?

Pumpkin seed extract is a popular natural treatment for oab. a recent study suggests that pumpkin seed oil may be able to treat
or prevent symptoms of oab and other urinary disorders.

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