PRESEED LUBRICANT For Couples Trying To Conceive - Call 07035772407
Added via web on Aug 7, 2022
- Most popular lubricants (e.g. K-Y lubricant etc) are hostile to sperm and can create a barrier that interferes with sperm movement and therefore should not be used when
trying to conceive.
- Preseed is the right lubricant to use when trying to conceive. It is sperm and fertility friendly.
- It was designed to mimic the female's natural fertile cervical mucus and the male's natural semen in their pH, ion concentration and consistency.
- It provides a sperm-friendly environment that helps the sperm to survive and swim from the cervix into the uterus and eventually to the fallopian tubes in order to reach
the ovulated egg and fertilize it.
-It relieves vaginal dryness and supplements enough moisture and lubrication to enhance comfort during sexual intercourse.
- It provides antioxidant support for sperm cells.
- With preseed fertility-friendly lubricant, you can be confident that you are using a right lube that is safe and effective when trying to conceive.
- It can be use anytime you plan to have sexual intercourse. You can use it during your fertile days in the month or throughout the month.
Price: N12000
Delivery: Nationwide
Location: Lagos (Okota)
Call or WhatsApp - 07035772407
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