Added via web on Jan 8, 2024
Imagine a product that can cure:
*Rheumatoid arthritis/joint pain
*Kidney problems
*High/low blood pressure
*Hypertensive heart disease
*Stroke, and many more
Jigsimur doesn't manage the ailment, it cures it. It is not like drugs that manage ailments, that you will have to take for the rest of your life neither is it a supplement that whenever you stop taking it, you return back to your previous state of health(a supplement cannot cure neither can it claim to cure, it will only suppress the symptoms). So if you have any ailment that have been giving you sleepless night either because of the pain or because of the money you are spending on medications, before you lose hope, try Jigsimur. Jigsimur is a remedy to many health problems, many are yet to know this. If you have any serious ailment, do not delay to get Jigsimur because delay may be dangerous. Get TOTAL CURE to all your health problems with Jigsimur.
You can also register as a Distributor and even if you don't want to register as a Distributor, register to buy Jigsimur at company price if you have any ailment you want to treat, the testimony you will get may be mind blowing and you will not know when you will start marketing Jigsimur.
Even if you are not sick, you still need Jigsimur to detoxify your system(there are many health benefits that comes with detoxifying your system) and get rid of any ailment that may occur in future due to what you eat and your lifestyle. Jigsimur is a MOST for every home, it is both for prevention and for cure.
Get Jigsimur today and you will be glad you did. Are you coming across this product for the first time? Do not doubt its efficacy, many are testifying everyday about this wonderful product called Jigsimur. Jigsimur is indeed a gift from God to save mankind.
A trial will surely convince you!
To order, Call/Whatsapp +2349077019026
You can also follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/jigsimurplus/
*Price List*
Small bottle(250ml) - N8,000
1 Big bottle(750ml) - N18,000
2 Big bottles - N36,000
3 Big bottles - N51,000
4 Big bottles - N68,000
5 Big bottles or more will be at the rate of N16,000
We deliver to your doorstep, money for delivery depend on your location. We also ship to countries like USA, UK, CANADA, etc
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