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Neolife Tre-En-En Grain Concentrates - Call Or Whatsapp 08026004760

Added via web on Nov 18, 2019


Our cells are surrounded by special membranes that allow nutrients to get in and waste to get out.
If these cellular membranes are starved of vital nutrients (lipids and sterols), they become inflexible and can't perform their critical functions.
Whole grain lipids and sterols allow your cell membranes to become their flexible best, making it easier for nutrients to get in and waste to get out.

Some Functions Of Tre En En
* It helps cell membranes to function optimally.
* It makes you look younger and healthy.
* It reduces fatigue and tiredness.
* It reduces illness.
* It increase appetite
* It helps to pass out waste out of the body.
* It prevents cancer
* It boost energy and vitality.
* It helps other drugs to work well in the body.
* It can as well be mixed with our other products to treat Blood Pressure, Infection, Arthritis, Infertility, Asthma, High sugar level, Eye problem e.t.c.

Product Name - GNLD Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates
Location = Lagos.
Negotiable = Yes
Price =#5840
Call or whatsapp - 08026004760
Delivery Included

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